Sedation Dentistry
Intravenous Sedation (“Twilight Sedation”)
Our office offers our patients the option of Intravenous (IV) Sedation for their dental treatment.
Intravenous Sedation helps you to be comfortable and calm when undergoing dental procedures. Intravenous sedation is designed to better enable you to undergo your dental procedures while you are very relaxed. It will enable you to tolerate as well as not remember those procedures that may be very uncomfortable for you. IV sedation will essentially help alleviate the anxiety associated with your treatment. You may not always be asleep but you will be comfortable, calm and relaxed, drifting in and out of sleep.
If you choose the option of intravenous sedation your IV sedation is administered and monitored by Dr. Wilson, therefore eliminating the costly expense of having your treatment carried out in a surgery center.
How is the IV Sedation Administered?
A thin, flexible catheter will be introduced into a vein in your arm or hand. The catheter will be attached to an intravenous tube through which medication will be given to help you relax and feel comfortable. Once again some patients may be asleep while others will slip in and out of sleep. Some patients with medical conditions and/or on specific drug regimens may only be lightly sedated and may not sleep at all.
Sedation Dentistry for the Disabled
It may be especially difficult for people with disabilities to obtain access to proper dental care. They must find a dentist who is skilled and compassionate, and who can provide services for which some dentists may not be qualified. At Valley Endodontics Root Canal & Implant Dentistry, we provide the expertise, state-of-the-art-equipment, and dedication to assisting special-needs patients necessary to ensuring great oral care for our patients.